Jumat, 31 Maret 2017

Sleek Matte Me Lipcream - Fired Up (English Review)

Thanks God It's Saturday...
In this good time, I want to make some review about Sleek Matte Me Lip Cream shade Fired Up. If you out of there looking for the red lipstick appearance for occasion or hang out, this is the right review for ya!
For more details, so just check this one out!

Here is the packaging! Sleek "Matte Me" made from plastic tube, handily applicator, and this tube contains 6ml/0.2fl.oz. In Indonesia, I got this lovely one just Rp.110.000,- (Rupiah).


I found this lip cream is easier to apply, there is no strange odors, but they lil bit patchy and sticky for me, I don't know maybe my lips were drying. Moreover, if you reapply and layer another layer on top, It doesn't leave the best finish, So I hope you'll apply it rightly. Each shade starts out creamy but turns matte it's about 30 seconds of application. Once matte, you have to be tricky to remove this lip cream, I prefer you use makeup remover for lips or other oil products such as olive oil, etc. 
Sleek lip cream have 4-5 hours staying power on me, unless you are very careful eater, this lip cream would gradually fade even you don't drink or eat anything.

Swatch Fired Up

Rates : 7.5/10 (Good enough)
Recommend : Yes
Affordable : 6/10
Repurchase: Maybe?

Jumat, 24 Maret 2017

Review Eyeliner Mizzu & Zoya (Bagus dan Murah!)

Assalamualaikum babies...

Hari ini aku lagi mood posting salah satu makeup buat mata andalan aku, Yup, Eyeliner! 
Menurut aku selain lipstik, makeup yg bisa buat muka seger & nyala ya eyeliner. 
Trus trus pertimbangan terbesar aku dalam memilih eyeliner, selain kualitas ya pasti harga hehe (maklum pengangguran). 
Oke then, ada 2 eyeliner yang mau aku review hari ini. Pastinya bagusss dan mursidaaa...
So don't miss this one out!

1. Mizzu Eyeliner Pencil
Aku bakal to the point aja nyeritain perasaan aku ke eyeliner ini yaa... 
So this is my long life besties, karena aku udah 2 kali repurchase Mizzu eyeliner ini. 
Packaging nya simple dan mudah di apply karena bentuknya kaya spidol jadi sering ada di tas dan aku bawa wara-wiri kemana-mana. Harga beli 32k tapi beda-beda di tiap olshop. Pokoknya enak banget buat ngelukis eyeliner mau model begimanapun. Eyeliner ini aku rekomendasi banget buat muslimah yang gak mau pake makeup waterproof, tapi cukup masih stain sih kalo abis wudhu (asal gak dikucek-kucek bgt). Warna nya juga hitam legam pas di apply gak putus-putus kering, jadi endolll!

Whole Packaging Mizzu Eyeliner

Jenis Aplikator Eyliner Berbentuk Spidol

2. Zoya Eyeliner
Ini rekomendasi eyeliner kedua buat muslimah, yup Zoya Liner Intense. Eyeliner ini gak diclaim waterproof jadi cocok buat para muslimah. Harganya pun masih under 50k kok, aku dapet dengan harga 45k walaupun gak semurah Mizzu. Eyeliner ini bukan bentuk spidol ya, dia jenisnya kaya kemasan mascara gitu jadi kuas sama liquidnya terpisah dan ini yang suka takut belepotan kalo di bawa kemana-mana. Cuma bagus kok hasilnya item legam dan cukup stain kalo kena air asal gak dikucek heboh. Tapi jujur, kalo di aku sih kurang handly aplikatornya (mungkin aku udah kebiasa pake yang spidol ya). Oya, karena ini produk drugstore jadi mudah dicari di toko kosmetik, mall, atau khusus toko Zoya. Beda dengan Mizzu yang mostly harus beli di olshop.
Whole Packaging Zoya Eyeliner

Aplikator Zoya 

Eyeliner Mizzu and Zoya Details

Perbandingan Kedua Eyeliner (Kiri: Mizzu, Kanan: Zoya)

Swatch Kedua Eyeliner (Atas: Zoya, Bawah: Mizzu)

Recommended : Yes Both
Rate :  Mizzu : 8/10
             Zoya  : 7/10
Repurchase: Mizzu : Yes
                      Zoya  : No

Thanks for reading lovely!